Coming up next on VMI...

Our Veronica Mars journey is complete, but the pod lives on!

VMI 2.0 will take form sometime in 2022, but for the rest of this year, we will be releasing a new episode in the middle of each month. So that you can watch and join us for the recaps, here’s what we’ll be covering:

October: the Dick Casablancas spinoff Play It Again, Dick.

November: TBD - we thought we might do the Kristen’n’Kirby kouponing krime kaper Queenpins, but it doesn’t have a UK release yet.

December: Brigadoon. Our once-in-100-years recap of Logan’s fave film! There are a few versions, but we’ll be watching the 1954 musical with Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse.

The Allusionist